Friday, August 14, 2020

Sign Season!!!


Signs, signs, signs.... call or email the party with your sign requests.

Phone: (734) 719-0585

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Sunday, April 12, 2020

A COVID19 Easter

Happy Easter to everyone here in our sweet rural home: Lenawee County. To those practicing Christians of all stripes: He is Risen! He has risen indeed!

To those of Jewish faith, our deepest apologies for missing the start of Passover, which, for those that don't know, started the evening of April 8th and will end the evening of April 16th.

To all in Lenawee County we say: Peace! Stay home! Stay safe!

We know these times are trying and things are difficult for many. Unfortunately Governor Whitmer's recent order has been politicized by conservative Republican lawmakers and the conservative media. Partisan attacks during a pandemic? The sickening display that President Trump put on recently in attacking "that woman from Michigan"? His complete incompetence in this crisis can't be deflected with despicable attack's on governors across the country.

We need conservative Republican lawmakers to work on getting doctors, nurses, direct care staff, first responders, and all those essential workers working with the public the PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) and extra support (financial and otherwise) they need and deserve, respectively.

We need conservative Republican lawmakers to work on fixing the horrible COVID19 test situation. We need widespread testing. We need tests for active infection and tests to see who has already had it, etc. That is how we get the economy going again. Nothing else will do.

We need conservative Republican lawmakers to work on helping everyday working class people AND work on helping small businesses. Stop deliberately using people as political pawns to attack Governor Whitmer's stay at home order.

Congressman Tim Walberg, State Representative Bronna Khale, and State Senator Dale Zorn need to work on finding solutions rather than playing politics with the public health of Michiganders.